

What is Yoga Therapy?

What is Yoga Therapy?

What does a Yoga therapist do that is different to other health professionals? Learn how to explain what Yoga therapy is.

In this short video, Marlysa Sullivan shows how a Yoga therapist can easily explain the benefits of Yoga therapy to health professionals so they can understand how Yoga therapy can complement their work.

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Ayurvedic Psychotherapy

Ayurvedic Psychotherapy

Ayurvedic psychotherapy recognises anxiety as a condition called chittodvega. Anxiety or the tendency for disturbing thoughts, mano-dushti, is attributed to an imbalance in physical, psychological and spiritual spheres

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How Halasana can support Digestion

How Halasana can support Digestion

Poses such as Halasana (Plough pose) are great for abdominal stimulation, fluid movement, and the nervous system and can be incorporated into a Yoga practice to assist someone at risk of diabetes or living with diabetes.

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When is Viparita Karani not safe?

When is Viparita Karani not safe?

We often think of Balasana (child’s pose) and Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose) as absolutely safe, go-to poses in Yoga, but did you know that for some students suffering from some Cardiovascular diseases, these poses are not recommended?

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Managing Diarrhoea

Managing Diarrhoea

Ayurvedic tips on managing diarrhoea with Caroline Robertson. Find out about Ayurveda’s four pronged approach to treating diarrhoea in this short video.

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