
Somatic Yoga Practice Workshop

With Sal Flynn, leading Yoga therapy educator | $320

Join Sal Flynn in her Somatic Yoga Practice workshop series. Sal Flynn is a leading Yoga therapy educator, trauma and anxiety specialist, counselling and psychotherapy supervisor. She has trained over 400 Yoga therapists over more than 30 deliveries.

Somatic Yoga Practice Workshop

In this Somatic Yoga practice series, Sal Flynn invites you to experiment with patterns of movement from the structural and energetic perspectives. Sal invites you to an ongoing, experiential journey into the alive and changing territory of the body. Utilising yoga as a system of body-mind exploration, we will bring awareness to the qualities found in movement, voice, breath, perception and touch as we cultivate participation by all aspects of the body-mind. 

I found this workshop valuable in expanding my personal practice and also in extending how I approach my Yoga teaching. Sal Flynn is a very knowledgeable and professional presenter and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the workshop.

Toni Smart – Yoga Teacher

Somatic Yoga encourages the examination of our relationship to the environment we occupy, and the world within our embodied experience.  Knowing our body through attentive, embodied engagement can support us to know our authentic self. 

Our personal yoga practice offers us the opportunity to engage in the process of Svadhyaya which ultimately leads to insight into who we are and how we navigate our lives.  It is our sustained practice that supports this continuous unfolding of meaning.

A very well structured course with a wonderful presenter. The perfect balance of exploration and thought-provoking explanation.

Alice Willenbrock – Yoga Therapist

The practices included in this series are drawn from the many influences that continue to inform Sal Flynn’s personal practice and therapeutic work. The great yoga teachers from the Krishnamacharya linage, with whom Sal has studied directly. These include A.G. Mohan and T.K.V. Desikachar. Her work is also influenced by her study with Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Bhavanani, Donna Farhi and Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani.

Sal brings principles from the work of Rick Hanson, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Jon Kabat Zinn in Western traditions.

Each Somatic Yoga module begins with a talk about the theme of the practice. We will discuss the meaning of the various Mahabhutas, the Prana Vayus and somatic movement patterns through mindful asana and pranayama. We will conclude with pranayama and mindful sitting. Mantra and mudra will be woven throughout.  In the final module, we will put it all together as an integrated whole.

You Will:

  • Know your body
  • Grow awareness
  • Expand proprioception
  • Promote embodiment

Sal Flynn is an excellent teacher. She is precise, well prepared and really knows her subject. Sal’s workshops are detailed, her knowledge is deep and delivery of the subject is very professional. I’m always assured of gems of wisdom from Sal and these are treasure. Excellent!

Sharron Williams – Yoga Therapist

Explore connection to earth & gravity – how we organise ourselves in relation to these forces influences how we breathe and therefore how we access our aliveness.

Mobilise the spine in all directions within safe boundaries – the spine being both the structural and energetic centre of the body. We will explore role of the breath and our directed intention in spinal movement.

Moving in space and reaching outward. We will explore the relationship between the inward turning embodied experience and the outward reaching engagement with the environment.

Flow into stillness – Body becomes centered, able to shift in and out of opening and supporting as appropriate.

Each module of this workshop includes:

  • 1 hour 15 minutes – discussion and Yoga practice
  • 10 – 15 minute – Q&A

This Yoga practice is suitable for everyone regardless of your level of experience because yoga is personal and adaptive, effortless being.

  • Learn from Sal Flynn, one of Australia’s most experienced Yoga therapy educators, Yoga therapist, psychotherapy supervisor and specialist in anxiety and trauma
  • Educate yourself about safe and effective Somatic Yoga principles and practices, tools and techniques that you can use with yourself and your students and clients
  • Deepen your knowledge of Somatic Yoga as a therapeutic practice
  • Yoga therapists/teachers are eligible for 6 Continuing Professional Development points
  • Receive a Certificate of Attendance when you complete the workshop
  • The recordings will be available to you for 12 months so you can review the material

You will need:

  • A computer and internet connection
  • A Yoga mat and props and a tennis ball or similar

Delivery: Available Now On Demand
6 Hours of Recorded Content included.
Cost: $320. Prices include GST.

This course, like all work with Sal Flynn, was packed full of new insights and learnings.

Clare Sullivan – Yoga Therapist

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Available on demand!

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Sal Flynn

Sal Flynn is a highly experienced Yoga therapy educator, and counselling and psychotherapy supervisor.
She is one of Australia’s leading Yoga therapy educators. Sal has trained more than 400 Yoga therapists across a total of 32 deliveries throughout Australia. She mentors Yoga therapists around the world.
She has been practicing Yoga for more than 40 years and has trained with TKV Desikachar, AG Mohan, Swami Gitananda and Donna Farhi.
She is also trained to deliver the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and MBCT programs.
She has specialised in Yoga therapy and trauma and Yoga therapy and anxiety.
Sal is an inspiration teacher and is much loved by her students.

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