
Graduate Certificate in Yoga Therapy

Learn from Australia's leading provider of Yoga therapy education. Be a better teacher. Make a difference. Gain more confidence. Learn more tools and techniques. Flexible options. 

Mindfulness-Based Yoga Therapy & Counselling Skills Course

In this 5 day course you will gain an understanding of Mindfulness, learn basic counselling skills, and how to develop a constructive therapeutic relationship with your clients. 

Yoga Therapy & Anxiety Online Workshop

Learn how Yoga can be used to manage anxiety with Dr. Shirley Telles, leading international Yoga therapist, renown researcher, and neurophysiologist.

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Yoga for Cancer

Yoga for Cancer

There is a demand for Yoga teachers and therapists to gain specific training and understanding so you can safely and intelligently teach to people with a cancer history.

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Yoga and Menopause Training

Yoga and Menopause Training

Learn how Yoga can be used as a therapeutic tool to manage menopause and peri-menopause with Liz Williams, leading Yoga therapy educator and medical trainer, in this training on Yoga and Menopause.

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Ayurveda for Anxiety

Ayurveda for Anxiety

Join leading Ayurveda educator, practitioner and author, Caroline Robertson. Find about more about the Ayurvedic understanding of anxiety and learn tools and techniques that you can implement to effectively assist your yoga students and clients experiencing anxiety.

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Somatic Yoga Practice Workshop

Somatic Yoga Practice Workshop

Join Sal Flynn in her Somatic Yoga Practice workshop series. Sal Flynn is a leading Yoga therapy educator, trauma and anxiety specialist, counselling and psychotherapy supervisor. She has trained over 400 Yoga therapists over more than 30 deliveries.

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Certificate in Clinical Ayurveda

Certificate in Clinical Ayurveda

Learn to offer Ayurvedic dietary, constitutional, nutritional and lifestyle advice that will easily integrate with your Yoga teaching and Yoga therapy practice.

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Yoga for Pain Care Workshop

Yoga for Pain Care Workshop

In this in-depth workshop on Yoga for Pain Care with Dr. Marlysa Sullivan, you will explore the application of Yoga practices and Yoga philosophy to the neurophysiological and biopsychosocial-spiritual model of chronic pain.

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Self-Care Webinar with Sal Flynn – On Demand

Self-Care Webinar with Sal Flynn – On Demand

Burnout is common in today’s constantly changing world, and it can be especially common for those of us who have chosen to make caring work our career.  For our work to be sustainable, we need to prioritise caring for ourselves.

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Mental Health and Pranayama Workshop

Mental Health and Pranayama Workshop

This workshop explores mental health and pranayama. Learn about the positive effect pranayama can have on your client’s mental health, specifically in relation to anxiety and depression within the context of a therapeutic relationship.

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Diabetes and Yoga

Diabetes and Yoga

Learn how a Yoga practice can greatly assist with the negative, long term, physical and psychological challenges for people living with diabetes.

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Great Gut Health Workshop

Great Gut Health Workshop

Great gut health is critical for overall health. Learn to assess and address gut issues using Ayurvedic tools and principles with leading Ayurveda educator, Caroline Robertson.

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Yoga for Sleep Workshop

Yoga for Sleep Workshop

Join world leading Yoga researcher, scientist and presenter, Dr Shirley Telles, neurophysiologist and medical doctor and find out how you can optimise sleep using the tools of Yoga with a focus on Yoga breathing.

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Yoga and Long Covid – On Demand

Yoga and Long Covid – On Demand

Learn about Yoga interventions that can give Long Covid sufferers some tools to aid with their individual symptoms as well as aid the body and mind to heal from this acute inflammatory invasion.

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Yoga for Healthy Ageing – On Demand

Yoga for Healthy Ageing – On Demand

Do you have yoga students aged over 65? Do you know all the age related physical and mental changes that occur in this age group? Do you know how to safely modify yoga practices for your over 65s?

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Yoga Therapy for Anxiety – On Demand

Yoga Therapy for Anxiety – On Demand

Learn how Yoga can be used as a therapeutic tool to manage anxiety and enhance feelings of well-being with Dr. Shirley Telles, leading international Yoga therapist, medical doctor, neurophysiologist, and world famous Yoga researcher, in this workshop on Yoga Therapy for Anxiety.

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