
Graduate Certificate in Yoga Therapy

Learn from Australia's leading provider of Yoga therapy education. Be a better teacher. Make a difference. Gain more confidence. Learn more tools and techniques. Flexible options. 

Mindfulness-Based Yoga Therapy & Counselling Skills Course

In this 5 day course you will gain an understanding of Mindfulness, learn basic counselling skills, and how to develop a constructive therapeutic relationship with your clients. 

Yoga Therapy & Anxiety Online Workshop

Learn how Yoga can be used to manage anxiety with Dr. Shirley Telles, leading international Yoga therapist, renown researcher, and neurophysiologist.

Courses & Events - All Workshops

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Yoga for Cancer

Yoga for Cancer

There is a demand for Yoga teachers and therapists to gain specific training and understanding so you can safely and intelligently teach to people with a cancer history.

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Yoga and Menopause Training

Yoga and Menopause Training

Learn how Yoga can be used as a therapeutic tool to manage menopause and peri-menopause with Liz Williams, leading Yoga therapy educator and medical trainer, in this training on Yoga and Menopause.

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Learn to Teach Yoga for Seniors

Learn to Teach Yoga for Seniors

The focus of this 2 day workshop will be on both primary and secondary changes that occur and the yoga modifications that must be considered for the older yoga practitioner aged over 65 years.

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Yoga as Medicine Workshop

Yoga As Medicine is a 5-day, 30-hour, hands-on, roll-up-your sleeves intensive workshop, with much of the time spent doing yoga therapy in small groups under Timothy’s supervision.

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Yoga Therapy for the Immune System Workshop

Immune disorders and allergies are at an all time high in Australia.In this workshop you will learn about the Yoga practices that can create a healthy immune response or improve the immune response of those with immune disorders. Learn about Yoga therapy and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cancer and Dementia, with Annette Loudon, leading specialist in Yoga therapy and the Immune system.

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Yoga Therapy & Trauma Workshop

Learn how to work safely with those affected by trauma and post-traumatic stress through the lens of contemporary neuroscience, mindfulness practice and Yoga. Learn specific techniques that you can apply immediately with your students and clients. With Sal Flynn leading Yoga therapy educator, psychotherapist and trauma specialist

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Yoga Therapy for Anxiety & Stress

This workshop will integrate the principles and practices of yoga, yoga therapy, neuroscience and mindfulness to support clients suffering from anxiety.

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Yoga Therapy Workshop Series with Dr Shirley Telles 2011

Be at the forefront of the fast-expanding field of Yoga Therapy. Learn scientifically proven Yoga techniques with Dr. Shirley Telles, leading Yoga therapist, medical doctor, neurophysiologist, and world-famous Yoga researcher, in these profound Yoga Therapy workshops.

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