
Managing Diarrhoea

Ayurvedic tips on managing diarrhoea with Caroline Robertson. Find out about Ayurveda's four pronged approach to treating diarrhoea in this short video.

Tips on managing diarrhoea with Caroline Robertson, Ayurvedic practitioner, educator and Naturopath.

In this six minute video, Caroline explains Ayurveda’s approach to managing diarrhoea.

Managing Diarrhoea – a Four Pronged Approach

The four pronged approach of Ayurveda includes, removing the toxins, which may include microbes. It may include allergens, which is best diagnosed through an allergy test.

It may also involve taking specific antimicrobials, common foods like garlic or oregano. The second step is to halt the diarrhoea.

With diarrhoea, we try to reduce stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, cacao, cigarettes, coffee, chilli, and alcohol. Heating foods generally increase diarrhoea.

And the third step is to restore. To restore the digestive organs and the digestive enzymes and restore the appetite too, as that is often affected. This may be done through a specific fasting regime,  as well as stimulating foods such as lime, green mango and, ginger. These are all used to stimulate the digestion.

Long pepper is a classic one and black salt. This can all be used with the diet. Then in step four, we recolonise the gut flora.

In addition, we focus on our daily regime, making sure that our enteric nervous system is relaxed with sufficient sleep. Nice, regular relaxing exercise. Good dietary habits such as not eating two hours prior to sleep, not overeating, having mindful meals and chewing properly. All these things can help to overcome diarrhoea, but of course, it’s advisable to seek advice of a practitioner if symptoms persist, and to consider specific therapeutics.

Find out more In this short video, as experienced Ayurvedic Practitioner and Educator, Caroline Robertson shares Ayurvedic tips on how to manage diarrhoea.

If you are interested in learning more about Gut Health and Ayurveda and how you can assist your Yoga students and clients, click here to find out more about the Caroline Robertson’s workshop on Great Gut Health.

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