
Diabetes and Yoga

Online workshop with Liz Williams, medical trainer

Learn how a Yoga practice can greatly assist with the negative, long term, physical and psychological challenges for people living with diabetes.

Diabetes and Yoga Workshop with Liz Williams

In this Diabetes and Yoga workshop, you will learn about the condition and the most beneficial, evidence-based, Yoga interventions that can assist those with diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic condition with high levels of Blood Glucose in the blood. There are several different types of diabetes and the long-term complications are often the same. We will review all types of diabetes in this workshop and all age groups.

In 2020, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reported that 1 in 20 (almost 1.3 million) Australians have a diagnosis of diabetes. This does not include the estimated 2 million Australians with undiagnosed pre-diabetes.

Lifestyle interventions, such as Yoga, can have a major effect on the impact of diabetes. And can lead to a reduction of many of the disease’s chronic side effects. A daily Yoga practice has been shown to greatly assist with the negative, long term physical and psychological issues of living with diabetes.

You will Learn:

  • About the complex pathology involved with the maintenance of a stable Blood Glucose Level (BGL) and why it’s so important
  • How Diabetes is diagnosed, including pathology tests used in the diagnosis and management of diabetes
  • About the different types of diabetes           
  • How the body uses blood glucose
  • About the physical complications of diabetes
  • About the psychological toll of living with diabetes
  • About the conventional medical treatment of diabetes
  • The benefits of a Yoga program, including a review of the evidence
  • The most beneficial Yoga interventions to assist your clients who have diabetes

Find out why it is so important that Yoga teachers and Yoga therapists learn about diabetes in this short video with Liz Williams.

Diabetes and Yoga Workshop

Each of the three modules of this workshop include:

  • 45 minutes – Presentation and discussion of relevant Yoga Practices
  • 15 minutes – Q&A

Thank you for another informative, professional and comprehensive workshop. I deeply appreciated the background knowledge, informed by the latest research and how to apply this in practice. Liz William’s extensive understanding of the subject matter, combined with her very practical, accessible approach to yoga made this workshop a highly valuable resource

Linda Hunt, YTI Yoga therapist and Occupational Therapist

Who Should Attend?

  • Yoga therapists, Yoga teachers and Yoga teacher trainees
  • Medical doctors, health professionals and complementary therapists who want to use Yoga practices to assist their clients

The Diabetes and Yoga Workshop was an incredibly informative and well-structured course. Liz Williams is a great educator with extensive knowledge in the Anatomy and Physiology of living with Diabetes. The course helped clarify for me the confusion around type 1 and 2 Diabetes and the complexity of living with this chronic disease. Liz shared an abundance of information and resources.

Anna Phillips, Yoga Therapist – Sydney

Benefits of Attending this Workshop:

  • Learn from Liz Williams our resident medical trainer and registered Yoga therapist. She is a highly experienced health educator and has been working in the health sector for over 40 years. 
  • Learn practical tools and techniques that you can apply immediately
  • Educate yourself about the safest and most effective way to teach Yoga to your students with diabetes
  • Connect with a network of yoga teachers and therapists working in this field
  • Deepen your knowledge of Yoga as a therapeutic practice
  • Yoga therapists/teachers are eligible for 3 Continuing Professional Development points
  • A certificate of attendance is available on completion

The Diabetes and Yoga workshop has been a major game changer for me. I can now teach my group with confidence and with a greater level of knowledgeable expertise.

Lorraine Furmston, Yoga teacher, VIC

Diabetes and Yoga Workshop:

Delivery: Available on demand now
Hours: 3 hours of recorded content are included
Cost: $159. Price includes GST.

The recording will be available for 12 months after registration.

You will need: a computer and stable internet connection.

Places Available

Available on demand!

Places Available

Liz Williams

Liz Williams is a yoga therapy educator, registered Yoga therapist and highly experienced health educator who has been working in the health sector for over 40 years. In the past 20 years, she has worked in the field of Healthy ageing and aged care in both residential aged care and acute aged care facilities.
She has trained Yoga therapists/teachers, nurses, allied health and medical staff as well as community groups.
Her relevant areas of speciality include anatomy and physiology, orthogeriatics, rehabilitation, fall prevention, mental health (aged care), acute adult pain and pathophysiology.
Liz has a Masters of Clinical Science in Aged Care and Healthy Ageing and a Graduate Certificate in Mental Health (Aged Care). She has qualifications in the management of Adult Pain.
She has developed educational programs for all health designations covering topics as diverse as exercise programs for rehabilitation and fall prevention, to the prevention and management of cognitive impairment in the older person.
She has extensive experience and knowledge of anatomical function, proprioception, muscular and joint function, physical assessment and the implementation of movements to accommodate physical limitations.

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