
Ayurveda for Anxiety

Learn to assess and address anxiety disorders through an Ayurvedic lens

Join leading Ayurveda educator, practitioner and author, Caroline Robertson. Find about more about the Ayurvedic understanding of anxiety and learn tools and techniques that you can implement to effectively assist your yoga students and clients experiencing anxiety.

Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest, and most comprehensive systems of holistic medicine. In this workshop, you will take a close look at Anxiety disorder and review how Ayurveda can assist your Yoga students and clients. You will develop important skills to assess and address anxiety disorders through an Ayurvedic lens.

In 2020–2022, more than one in six Australians (17.2% or 3.4 million people) aged 16–85 years had a 12-month Anxiety disorder, according to the ABS. (1)

The WHO reports that anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental disorders. (2)

  • Discover Ayurveda’s deep understanding of the mind and body
  • Master the concepts of mental toxins (ama), the mind channels (mana vaha srotas) and mental constitution (manas prakriti)
  • Explore the three mental modes (gunas) and the connection of the mind and elements (doshas)
  • Assess the signs and symptoms of mental health issues
  • Master ways to uproot negative beliefs and instil empowering energy
  • Learn Ayurveda’s treasure trove of techniques, therapies and lifestyle tips so you can create a peaceful, motivated mindset.
  • Anxiety Types
  • What’s happening in the brain and body?
  • The effect of anxiety on our elements, subtle body and systems.
  • The long-term toll of tension.
  • Ayurvedic practices to prevent and ease anxiety
  • Attitude to alleviate anxiety and stress
  • Daily routine to relax
  • Calming cuisine
  • Ayurvedic herbs for anxiety and stress
  • Specific Ayurvedic therapies to chill out
  • Support through stress and anxiety

Each module of this workshop includes:

  • 1 hour 20 minute – Presentation
  • 10 minute – Q&A

  • Yoga therapists, Yoga teachers and Yoga teacher trainees
  • Medical doctors, health professionals and complementary therapists who want to use Ayurvedic tools and techniques to assist their clients
  • Learn from Caroline Robertson leading Ayurveda educator and practitioner and experienced Naturopath.
  • Educate yourself about safe and effective Ayurvedic principles and practices, tools and techniques that you can use with your students and clients
  • Deepen your knowledge of Ayurveda as a therapeutic practice
  • Yoga therapists/teachers are eligible for 2 Continuing Professional Development points
  • Complete the workshop and receive a Certificate of Attendance
  • The recordings will be available to you for 12 months so you can review the material

You will need: a computer and stable internet connection.

Delivery: Available On Demand Now
4.5 hours of recorded content are included
Cost: $199 Price includes GST.

1. https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/mental-health/national-study-mental-health-and-wellbeing/latest-release
2. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/anxiety-disorders

For more on Anxiety Disorder, check out our Yoga Therapy for Anxiety workshop.

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Caroline Robertson

Caroline Robertson is a dynamic teacher, enthusiastic advocate and practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine and she teaches students to become Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultants.

After attaining Diplomas in Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Botanical Medicine, and Remedial Massage in 1992, Caroline studied Ayurveda in India for ten years. She also managed the Bhaktivedanta Ayurveda Clinic, in West Bengal.

After returning to Australia, Caroline taught and practiced Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, Anatomy, and Physiology through Ayurveda Elements, at Nature Care College, and Health Schools Australia.

Her extensive published works include over 200 articles on Natural Health, which have been published in well known Health and Wellbeing magazines.

Caroline has also authored two books on Ayurveda - Vastu Shastra and A Woman's Ayurvedic Herbal.

A Woman's Ayurvedic Herbal book features an A-Z of herbs with their description, history and uses, and easy-to-prepare home remedies. There is also a section of ailments that details symptoms and how to treat them using Ayurvedic remedies. This ties in perfectly to some of the course content!

With a Cert IV in Training and Assessment, Caroline is a dynamic and dedicated teacher who walks her talk.

Caroline has a special interest in mind-body healing and nurturing others to optimal health.

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