
Sal Flynn

Leading Yoga Therapy educator, specialist in Yoga therapy and trauma, experienced mentor

Sal Flynn is a highly experienced Yoga therapy educator, and counselling and psychotherapy supervisor. She is one of Australia’s leading Yoga therapy educators. Sal has trained more than 400 Yoga therapists across a total of 32 deliveries throughout Australia. She mentors Yoga therapists around the world.

Her formal and informal training blends the disciplines of Yoga, psychotherapy, education, contemplative practice, the arts and mind/body awareness practices. Underpinning her work is more than 30 years of practice and study in the eastern traditions, along with education and internships in Western psychotherapy and Yoga therapies both in Australia and India.

Sal Flynn began practicing yoga over 40 years ago and her practice is rooted in the tradition of Sri Krishnamacharya. In recent years, she has focused her yoga inquiry on the work of her mentor Donna Farhi and assists Donna in training teachers.

Sal is trained to deliver John Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programs. She has a private psychotherapy practice in Sydney.

Sal was resident yoga teacher/therapist at Sarah Key Physiotherapy for five years and specialized in helping clients with chronic back pain. She spent seven years as a faculty member of Nature Care College where she trained yoga teachers. She is a psychotherapist and supervisor with The Centre for Existential Practice and former faculty member at Jansen Newman Institute. 

As a yoga teacher and therapist she emphasizes the intimate interplay of the physical body with the mental, emotional and spiritual to bring all dimensions of embodied being into awareness.

She is a member of the AAYT, IAYT, Counsellors and Psychotherapists Association of NSW and the Australian Hypnotherapy Association.

“Sal is a wonderful, warm hearted teacher who is able to deliver content clearly, interestingly and engagingly.

– Alice Willenbrock, MBYT Student Sydney

This module is jam packed with so much valuable content! Sal is a wonderful teacher, I was able to learn the skills and soak up the information with ease and confidence!

– Lauren Anning, MBYT Student

Sal unpacked Mindfulness Based Yoga Therapy in an insightful and well referenced way. Sharing first hand experiences with Indra Mohan, Sarah Keys and Donna Farhi among others, with tenderness, playful antics and vulnerable moments that passed on not just the critical information but also a human connection that embodies mindfulness, the basis of the course.”

– Kristen Boddington, GCYT Graduate

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