
Self-Care Webinar with Sal Flynn – On Demand

For Yoga Therapists and Yoga Teachers

Burnout is common in today’s constantly changing world, and it can be especially common for those of us who have chosen to make caring work our career.  For our work to be sustainable, we need to prioritise caring for ourselves.

Self-Care Webinar with Sal Flynn

We are delighted to present this self-care webinar with Sal Flynn. Burnout is common in today’s constantly changing world, and it can be especially common for those of us who have chosen to make caring work our career.  For our work to be sustainable, we need to prioritise caring for ourselves.

Self-care is a big buzzword these days and while that sounds like a great idea, in reality it can feel like just another thing on the never ending ‘to do’ list.

As Yoga therapists and Yoga teachers, we often believe that we must bring the quality of empathy to our work, and while empathy is very important, research is now telling us that there is also what is referred to as an edge state – a point at which constructive empathy can tip over into empathetic distress.  This brings us suffering and doesn’t serve our clients and students.

You will:

  • Consider self-care as a Bhavana (mindset) practice – in terms of our “being” as therapists as opposed to another thing to DO.  
  • Experience a logical, deep, but highly accessible process, or tool, that cultivates compassion while we are interacting with others.
  • Contemplate the difference between empathy and compassion and
  • Consider how we can engage the energy of compassion in our relationship with those we wish to serve.

Sal Flynn’s webinar is thought-provoking and a helpful learning opportunity for Yoga teachers and Therapists alike. It provided actual useful professional development rather than just another field of facts. The process outlined is equally valuable for personal relationships. I recommend the workshop highly.

Pamela Bleakley, Yoga Teacher

Self-Care Webinar

This workshop will include:

  • 45 minute – Presentation
  • 15 minute – Q&A

Sal Flynn shares her years of experience as a counsellor and Yoga therapist in a wonderfully graspable and experiential way.

Sam Loe, YTI Yoga therapist, NZ

Who Should Attend?

  • Yoga therapists, Yoga teachers and Yoga teacher trainees
  • Therapists, health professionals and complementary therapists
  • Carers and Support Workers

Benefits of Attending this Workshop:

  • Learn from Sal Flynn, one of Australia’s most experienced Yoga therapy educators, Yoga therapist, psychotherapy supervisor and specialist in anxiety and trauma
  • Learn practical tools and techniques that you can apply immediately
  • Educate yourself about how to practice self-care and avoid burnout
  • Connect with a network of yoga teachers and therapists
  • Deepen your knowledge of Yoga as a therapeutic practice
  • Yoga therapists/teachers are eligible for 1 Continuing Professional Development point.

Sal is wonderful, warm hearted teacher who is able to deliver content clearly, interestingly and engagingly.

Alice Willenbrock, YTI Yoga therapy graduate, Sydney

Self-Care Webinar:

Cost: $77. Prices include GST.
Included: One hour of recordings is provided

The recording will be available to you for 12 months after purchase.

Places Available

Available on demand!

Places Available

Sal Flynn

This webinar will be lead by leading Yoga therapy educator and counselling and psychotherapy supervisor, Sal Flynn. Sal has trained almost 350 Yoga therapists across a total of 29 course deliveries throughout Australia. She mentors many yoga therapists and teachers around the world. She is a psychotherapist and supervisor with The Centre for Existential Practice and former faculty member at Jansen Newman Institute. Sal is also trained to deliver the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programs. She is a specialist in Yoga therapy and trauma and Yoga therapy and anxiety.

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