Polyvagal Theory Explained

Polyvagal Theory Explained

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Polyvagal Theory Explained provides important information for Yoga therapists and Yoga teachers about PVT, Yoga, trauma and the vagus nerve. This article provides a brief overview of the Polyvagal Theory as introduced by Stephen...
Ayurvedic Psychotherapy

Ayurvedic Psychotherapy

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes Ayurveda is often immediately associated with our physiological health but did you know that Ayurveda has a branch of psychotherapy? Ayurvedic psychotherapy recognises anxiety as a condition called chittodvega. Anxiety or the tendency...
How Halasana can support Digestion

How Halasana can support Digestion

And why it can support students with DiabetesA Yoga Therapy Perspective Sleep and diet are key facets for healthy living, but did you know that your circadian rhythm also aids healthy Blood Glucose Levels? This is particularly important for those at risk of or living...
When is Viparita Karani not safe?

When is Viparita Karani not safe?

And What to do Instead. A Yoga Therapy Perspective We often think of Balasana (child’s pose) and Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose) as absolutely safe, go-to poses in Yoga, but did you know that for some students suffering from some Cardiovascular diseases,...

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