
Yoga and Chronic Diseases in the Over 65s – On Demand

Online Workshop Series with Liz Williams

You will learn about some of the most common chronic health conditions associated with ageing and the most beneficial Yoga interventions to maintain healthy ageing

Yoga and Chronic Diseases – this course will focus on how Yoga can improve and maintain function, and reduce the onset and impact of ageing and chronic disease.

As we age, we will all experience primary ageing changes. These primary ageing changes are complicated by chronic diseases. Yoga can help mitigate the progression of primary ageing changes and help with the management of symptoms of chronic diseases. This course will focus on some of the most common chronic diseases faced by older people.

“Four in five Australian aged 65 and over (80%) have 1 or more chronic conditions”

ABS 2018

You will learn about:

  • Some of the most common chronic health conditions associated with ageing
  • How Yoga can aid the older person living with these chronic diseases
  • How primary ageing can contribute to acute exacerbations of chronic disease
  • The most beneficial Yoga interventions to assist your clients who have these conditions
  • The current researched evidence about chronic disease and Yoga

It is important that Yoga teachers and Yoga therapists

  • Understand the changes that happen as their students age and
  • The impact of chronic disease on their clients
  • So they can reduce harm and maximise the benefits of Yoga

A wonderful overview of the ageing process and how yoga can help. A great toolkit for yoga teachers and therapists working with the older student (65+) and also the younger student suffering chronic disease.

Laura Blake, Yoga teacher and physiotherapist

Module 1: Cardio-vascular function & Fluid transport

Common associated chronic disease: – angina; heart failure; arrhythmias; hypertension; lymphatic stasis; atherosclerosis .

Module 2: Respiratory function

Common associated chronic disease: – COPD (bronchitis, emphysema); Senile asthma; pneumonia.

Module 3: Physical support tissues in the body

  • Including bone remodelling as we age, changes in ligaments and tendons, muscles and fascia
  • Common associated chronic disease: – osteoporosis; sarcopenia; vertebral fractures; arthritis and chronic lower back pain.

Module 4: Gastro-intestinal tract, renal and elimination

  • Common associated chronic disease: – presbyphagia; constipation; urinary incontinence; irritable bowel disease.

Module 5: Special senses

  • Including sight, hearing, touch (skin), proprioception, nerve transmission and pain
  • Common associated chronic disease: – presbyopia; presbycusis; homeostenosis,

Module 6: Cognition, Mental Health & Stress

  • Including the brain, hormonal system, stress response and management and maintaining mental health
  • Common associated chronic disease: – cognitive impairment; anxiety; depression.

Module 7: Maintaining homeostasis

The complex system of maintaining homeostasis is compromised in the older person and this increases with each chronic disease.

  • Stimulation of organs associated with maintaining homeostasis
  • Stimulation of stress hormones and the impact on the homeostasis mechanism
  • Nerve transmission required to maintain homeostasis
  • Changes in the brain’s ability to return to body to homeostasis.
  • Impacts of common diseases that impact homeostasis: – altered HPA axis.

Module 8: Fall prevention

The most common fear for older people, is having a fall, losing independence and going into care. Falls are one of the main reasons for hospital admission for the over 70s. There are many causes for falls and it’s not always to do with balance. There is a lot of evidence-based interventions for the prevention of a fall. Yoga has been demonstrated as a ‘Fall prevention’ activity.

  • The most common reasons for a fall
  • Yoga practices for the prevention of a fall
  • Yoga practices for post fall remediation
  • Managing “Fear of Falling’ and re-building confidence and mobility.

This course will cover different content to Yoga for Healthy Ageing.

I would thoroughly recommend this series to all yoga teachers, even experienced ones – maybe them in particular!

Sharon Uren, Yoga teacher,

Yoga and Chronic Diseases Workshop Schedule:

Each workshop will include:

  • 1 hour 20 minute Presentation with slides
  • 10 min Q&A
  • 30 min pre-recorded video of relevant Yoga practices

Who Should Attend?

  • Yoga therapists, yoga teachers and yoga teacher trainees
  • Medical doctors, health professionals and complementary therapists who want to use evidence-based, Yoga practices in their work

Benefits of Attending this Workshop:

  • Learn from Liz Williams, leading “Yoga for seniors” educator, healthy aging specialist and registered Yoga therapist
  • Learn practical tools and techniques that you can apply immediately with your students and clients
  • Educate yourself about the safest and most effective way to teach Yoga to your older students with chronic diseases
  • Connect with a network of yoga teachers and therapists working in this field
  • Deepen your knowledge of Yoga as a therapeutic practice
  • Yoga therapists/teachers are eligible for 16 Continuing Professional Development points
  • A certificate of attendance is available on completion

Note: this course does not teach set yoga sequences for a condition. You can use the information provided to help you develop programs for your students.

The recordings are available to you for 12 months from registration.

You will need: a computer and stable internet connection.

Yoga and Chronic Diseases:

Cost: $497. Price includes GST.

Places Available

Available on demand!

Places Available

Liz Williams

Liz Williams is a Yoga therapy educator, registered Yoga therapist and highly experienced health educator who has been working in the health sector for over 40 years. In the past 20 years, she has worked in the field of Healthy ageing and aged care in both residential aged care and acute aged care facilities.
She has trained Yoga therapists/teachers, nurses, allied health and medical staff as well as community groups.
Liz has worked with many health practitioners in assessing and developing health plans to support the older person to remain independent for as long as possible. Her relevant areas of speciality include anatomy and physiology, orthogeriatics, rehabilitation, fall prevention, mental health (aged care), acute adult pain and pathophysiology.
Liz has a Masters of Clinical Science in Aged Care and Healthy Ageing since 2011 and a Graduate Certificate in Mental Health (Aged Care). She has qualifications in the management of Adult Pain.
She has developed educational programs for all health designations covering topics as diverse as exercise programs for rehabilitation and fall prevention, to the prevention and management of cognitive impairment in the older person.
She has extensive experience and knowledge of anatomical function, proprioception, muscular and joint function, physical assessment and the implementation of movements to accommodate physical limitations.
In 2019, Liz completed the Yoga for healthy ageing course with Baxter Bell in the USA.

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