
Liz Williams

Medical Trainer. Registered Yoga Therapist, Yoga therapy educator

Liz Williams is the GCYT’s medical trainer and is a registered Yoga therapist. She is a highly experienced health educator and has been working in the health sector for over 40 years. For the past 20 years, she has trained Yoga therapists and teachers, nurses, allied health and medical staff as well as community groups.

During this time, she has lectured at universities and TAFE at a number of tertiary institutions. Her relevant areas of speciality include anatomy and physiology, orthogeriatics, rehabilitation, fall prevention, mental health (aged care), acute adult pain and pathophysiology. Liz has a Masters of Clinical Science in Aged Care and Healthy Ageing and a Graduate Certificate in Mental Health. She started work as a registered nurse in 1979, working in the acute health care sector and specialising in acute, domiciliary and residential geriatric nursing over the past 12 years.

Liz Williams has worked closely with physiotherapists to develop rehabilitation and fall prevention exercise programs to enable patients to leave hospital and return home. She has extensive experience and knowledge of anatomical function, proprioception, muscular and joint function, physical assessment and the implementation of movements to accommodate physical limitations.

Before working as a Nurse Educator, she worked for 10 years as a registered nurse in the acute health sector in a wide range of health specialities, and as a laboratory technician in the autoimmune and blood transfusion laboratories at the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research at Westmead Hospital. This gave her a good knowledge of the disease processes and medical treatments for the body.

Liz Williams has been a yoga practitioner since the 1970s and a Yoga teacher since 2015.

Liz offers on-demand and live workshops on a range of topics including, Yoga for healthy ageing, Yoga for chronic disease, Yoga and Long Covid, Yoga and Diabetes

“I am so thankful for having undertaken Functional Anatomy with Liz Williams. Liz is an outstanding educator who has the capacity to bring out the best in her students. I learnt so much! The course is well structured – content invaluable for anyone who is thinking of becoming a Yoga Therapist. I have to say I am SO impressed with the way the course is run, the wonderful teachers who have met so far and the fabulous Trina and Miya who are always there to make life easier. Thank you!”

– Anna Speranza , GCYT Melbourne


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