
Zoom Protocols

• Try to ensure you are undisturbed (you may need a sign on your door)
• Ensure your device is fully charged or plugged into power
• Keep your microphone on mute
• Check your background, sound and lighting before logging on. (Check you aren’t in silhouette)
• Put mobile phones and other devices on silent.
• You may need to turn wifi off on these devices to give you better connectivity
• Switch off notification sounds/alerts for email and other applications
• If you are at home, check if others are streaming etc as that will take some of your bandwidth and may interfere with your connection
• Use the chat feature to ask a question or make a comment. These will be monitored and, time permitting, will be fed back to the presenter during the Q&A
• Chat is to be used to ask questions and make comments to the presenter and to discuss the workshop topic amongst the participants. It can be used to share resources, links to research, articles, or videos with other participants. Please ensure these are relevant to the presentation
• If you do leave your device, or you need to do something which is private during the workshop, please turn off your camera until your return
• If you are driving the car or moving around please keep your camera off. The movement is very distracting for the other participants and the speaker
• To deal with tech issues please have a back up device prepared so you can participate even if the internet fails on your primary device.

Thank you!

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