Profile photo of Sue Livingston

Sue Livingston

Yoga therapy educator and registered Yoga therapist

Sue Livingston is an experienced, senior Yoga teacher and registered Yoga therapist with strong educational credentials. Her journey in Yoga began over 30 years ago and her teaching is influenced by her training with Dr Ganesh Mohan, Donna Farhi, Judith Lasater and Richard Miller.

She is a Senior Yoga Teacher and registered Yoga Therapist with Yoga Australia and an accredited Yoga therapist with AAYT.

Sue Livingston began her Yoga practice in the Sivananda and Iyengar traditions.  More recently her personal practice is influenced by teachings from T.K.V Desikachar, A.G Mohan and Dr Ganesh Mohan in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya.

Sue Livingston – Yoga Therapy Practice

In her Yoga therapy practice, Sue finds traditional Yoga models are an invaluable way of connecting with each client’s needs, which is supported by contemporary research. In addition, Sue always addresses stress to ease her client’s discomfort.

Yoga Education

In 2007, Sue undertook the Advanced Diploma in Yoga Teaching at Nature Care College and commenced teaching Yoga soon after. Further study of Yoga was irresistible and Sue then trained with renowned educators including Timothy McCall MD, Judith Lasater, Annette Loudon, and Donna Farhi. Sue completed 160 hours of Yoga therapy modules with Dr Ganesh Mohan before attaining the Graduate Certificate in Yoga Therapy from the Yoga Therapy Institute.  Her interest in mindfulness-based meditation, led her to study with Richard Miller and Fuyuko Sawamura-Toyota. Sue is also qualified as a Level 1 iRest teacher.

She has a special interest in the parallels and interplay between yogic and western models of philosophy, physiology and psychology and the practicality of using both influences in Yoga therapy. Sue provides Yoga therapy students with the space to explore different models within the traditional Yoga therapy framework.  The student can then feel confident to draw on a variety of resources and allow flexibility in approaching their therapeutic work.

Experienced Educator

Sue also holds a Graduate Diploma in Education and a Bachelor of Science in Genetics. She trained laboratory staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students in a wide range of techniques in molecular biology. She also taught high school Science before beginning her career in scientific research. 

In addition, to her professional career in Yoga, Sue spent 15 years working in scientific research in the field of molecular biology, biomedical research and evolutionary genetics.  In her various positions at CSIRO, University of Queensland, and Johnson & Johnson Research, she worked in teams developing DNA and RNA-based treatments for animal and human diseases. Sue moved on to manage the frozen tissue collection at the Australian Museum Research Institute and became the laboratory manager at the Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics at the Australian Museum.

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