
Mark Breadner

Yoga Teacher

Mark Breadner is a child life specialist for Operation Smile in developing countries, and a yoga teacher and trainer for over 20 years. His own learning and personal growth comes through life experience and from working in somatic psychotherapy, corrective exercise therapy,

This passion has seen him immerse himself in the practice and study of all things spiritual. He has been fortunate to be close to many great teachers and understands that the common thread of their teachings is to open the heart and live an authentic life.

This deep and extensive experience and knowledge has placed him in high demand as the yoga coach of elite sportspeople, training bodies and minds in preparation for the highest level of competition. Mark has worked behind the scenes with great teams to support the potential in inspiring athletes such as Ian Thorpe, Craig Stevens, Mick Fanning and Phil McDonald.

Mark’s knowledge and experience of both the technical and spiritual aspects of yoga has led him to the top of his chosen field – yoga teacher education. He is recognised as a “teacher of teachers” and the “real deal”, using his grounded, down-to-earth approach to take ancient knowledge to the everyday. He teaches from the heart and these teachings are life-changing. Mark Breadner takes yoga teachers to a totally new level in their understanding and application of yoga.


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