
Louise Godfrey

Yoga Therapy Educator

Louise Godfrey is an experienced Yoga therapist and Yoga therapy educator. She undertook the first ever KHYF (Krishnamacharya Healing Yoga Foundation) Yoga therapy Training program. The program was five years long and is considered one of the world’s leading Yoga therapy training programs. Her training included 2 four week internships at the KHYF. During this time, Louise observed Yoga therapy sessions for children and adults with a broad spectrum of health conditions in a one on one setting with a KHYF teacher. Anxiety, depression, leprosy, asthma, paralysis after aneurism and acute back pain were some of the conditions experienced by people seeking help and healing.

Louise Godfrey completed her Yoga teacher training with Barbara Brian, a long term student of TKV Desikachar, in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya. Barbara is one of Australia’s most experienced Yoga teacher trainers and continues to mentor Louise.

Louise was an invited guest speaker at the prestigious, Australian Integrative Medical Associations Annual Conference. She presented on yoga as a complementary therapy and conducted Yoga therapy workshops in 2012.

Louise has run a successful Yoga Studio in Melbourne since 2008. She has also taught wellbeing workshops and classes for secondary school students for over a decade.

She has conducted meditation sessions at The Heatherton Rehabilitation for Parkinson Disease for both patients and carers, as well as, Yoga for carers of the disabled at Parkdale Community Hospital.

Louise has a special interest in mental health and preventative health. Louise has also conducted Yoga therapy sessions at the Victoria Clinic which is a Mental Health Hospital in Malvern, Melbourne. She is currently working a psychology practice, where she is the resident Yoga therapist.

She has presented workshops on Pain and Depression for Yoga therapists and Yoga teachers.

She is a member of the AAYT (Australian Association of Yoga Therapists).

“The Yoga Therapy Foundations module was extremely valuable in developing my understanding of the theoretical frameworks of Yoga and Yoga Therapy. Louise Godfrey is a wonderful, experienced Yoga Therapist and teacher. She brought the theoretical frameworks of Yoga Therapy alive and made them relevant, with examples of her own experience as a practitioner. Louise’s professional manner and inclusive teaching style, made this module an enjoyable and valuable learning experience.”

– Christine Flint – Yoga Teacher

Louise Godfrey is a warm, engaging and knowledgeable presenter. When listening to Louise speak, the immense knowledge of Krishnamacharya and Desikachar shines through strongly. How fortunate we are to learn from someone with such experience!”

– Shelley Morris – Yoga Teacher

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