
Libbie Nelson

Yoga Teacher & Therapist

Libbie has trained with BKS Iyengar and is a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher. She has also studied intensively with A.G. and Indra Mohan, as well as Judith Lasater and Donna Farhi.

Her teaching draws on her Yoga and Ayurvedic training and on a foundation that combines the principles of traditional oriental medicine, as well as Western allopathic and alternative medicine.

Libbie has taught Yoga and Yoga therapy classes to students for over twenty years, as well as, to prospective and practicing teachers.

Her first experience of Yoga was, when she was very young she saw a man standing on his head, whom she now thinks had worked in British India. This became an ambition! Later on, Libbie’s father bought her the book Autobiography of a Yogi.

Libbie started doing Yoga classes in the 1970’s, when she was working as a physiotherapist at the Lewisham Institute of Sports Medicine. She commenced classes with Mary Kelly and then Fran Hopkirk.

In 1980, she became a student of Michael Hollingworth and then partner, Pixie Lillas, who are both Iyengar Yoga teachers. She then attended a seminar with BKS Iyengar on his first visit to Australia, and this was followed by a visit to the Iyengar Institute in India in 1984.

In 1984, Libbie also commenced teaching at the Balmain Yoga Studio and soon after she set up a Medical Class. Instead of physiotherapy, she was working as a naturopath with Dorothy Hall, the mother of Australian Herbalists.

In 1990, she moved to Byron Bay and set up a practice and a studio, where she uses Yoga, herbs and physiotherapy with acupuncture. She treats individually, as well as, teaching Yoga and medical classes. She also teaches therapy to Yoga teachers and teachers in training.


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