Eve Grzybowski

Eve Grzybowski

Yoga Teacher

During her extensive teaching career, Eve founded and directed founded two yoga schools. The first was Sydney Yoga Centre, which was one of first major Yoga schools in Sydney, and the second was Simply Yoga in Crows Nest, Sydney.

In the early days of the B. K. S. Iyengar Yoga Association of Australia, Eve served as treasurer, acted as one of the assessors for Iyengar Certification and held the Junior Intermediate Certificate.

Eve learned from the charismatic Yoga teacher, Martyn Jackson, one of the first Westerners to be taught directly by B.K.S. Iyengar. Martyn is credited with introducing and popularising the Iyengar method in Australia. Eve also studied with the Iyengar family at their institute in Pune, India.

As a Yoga teacher trainer, Eve helped train about 100 students through the Sydney Yoga Centre’s program from1990. Many of these individuals are now successful teachers in Sydney and elsewhere around the world. From 2000 to 2009, Eve continued to train many yoga teachers as part of the faculty of the Nature Care College.

In 1997, Eve’s first book, Teach Yourself Yoga was published. Eve is a regular contributor to several publications, writing yoga-related articles for Well-Being Magazine, Australian Yoga Life and the Australian Yoga Journal. Her second book, a ground-breaking manual for Yoga teachers, The Art of Adjustment, was published in 2008 in both text and audio editions.

Forty years of diligent, personal practice inform Eve’s teaching and have given her wide-ranging experience and skills, preparing her for work in the area of remedial Yoga. One of Eve’s passions in Yoga teaching is working remedially in one-to-one sessions and enkindling in students a desire to do personal practice. In recent years, she has used the tools of Yoga to heal herself after a total hysterectomy and also simultaneous bi-lateral hip replacements.

At almost 70, Eve has fulfilled a long-term dream of living a more gentle, peaceful and healthy lifestyle by moving from Sydney to a county property on the mid-north coast of N.S.W. She lives in a small community on Mitchells Island with her husband Daniel. From there she runs weekly classes and continues to develop her unique form of “Yoga with heart”. Eve continues to be a highly, sought-after Yoga teacher trainer and occasionally leads workshops in Sydney and other Australian cities.

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