
Chakra Balancing Relaxation by Annette Loudon

Annette Loudon shares a relaxation to purify the chakras - chakra shuddhi. This practice is aimed at balancing and purifying the chakras, which results in a smoother flow of the life force, prana, through the chakras. The physical benefits include calming effect on the nervous system, increased awareness, energy, and concentration and reduced mental tension.
Annette Loudon

Annette Loudon

Annette Loudon has been teaching yoga since 1994. She has made a DVD on “Yoga for Women after Treatment for Breast Cancer “, which is available from Encore NSW. Annette is completing a book called “Yoga for Women having or who have had treatment for breast cancer”. She has recently completed a Masters degree in “Yoga and Lymphoedema” through the University of Tasmania.  

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